This week's Bromsgrove and Droitwich Standard letters..... - The Bromsgrove Standard

This week's Bromsgrove and Droitwich Standard letters.....

Bromsgrove Editorial 13th Nov, 2021   0

‘Bromsgrove needs a Western Bypass or a tunnel to cut congestion’

I AGREE totally with the views of R Sanders, Bromsgrove, (Standard letters, November 5).

Yes we do indeed urgently need a ‘Bromsgrove Western Bypass’ or my preferred option a tunnel, to ease traffic congestion but discourage developers which a conventional bypass would attract.

Given the current state of both National and Local Government finances, such a project ideally needs to be funded and managed by the private sector, which sadly would mean tolls. I’m not a huge fan of turnpikes but it would seem to be the only option if we are ever to build a ‘Bromsgrove Western Relief Road.’

However this proposed project ideally needs the full support of a Bromsgrove majority of people and I respectfully suggest a local referendum.

Due to significant road closures in Bromsgrove recently, traffic congestion has been nothing short of horrific with even the A38 brought to a standstill.

Could this congestion be part of Boris Johnson’s ‘Active Transport Plan’ where we all end up walking?

Yes I agree with you R Sanders, something needs to be done and soon.

Perhaps China will build the bypass tunnel under their ‘Belt and Road Scheme?’

John A Ridarta

Cofton Hackett


Time for people to take a look at MP’s voting record

WHILE hoping for a return to a ‘kinder politics’, it is impossible to refrain from commenting in the strongest terms on the recent voting record of our Mid-Worcestershire MP Nigel Huddleston.

First, our representative for a town, many of whose residents use the Severn and Avon rivers for leisure activities, votes against measures to force the privatised water companies to stop polluting our rivers with sewage.

He even meekly follows the party line by printing in the local press a spurious defence of the vote, provided by Conservative Central Office, only to be embarrassed by the rapid Government U-turn on the issue!

Then he follows it up by voting to defer the sanctions on Owen Paterson, which were recommended by the independent Standards Commissioner and approved by the cross-party Standards Committee, for what they describe as one of the worst breaches of lobbying rules they have ever seen.

He also voted to alter the process of justice by rewriting MPs’ oversight rules in mid-case, only to be further embarrassed by yet another U-turn.

Many Conservative MPs showed courage in refusing to support such flagrant attacks on the proper accountability of a colleague, but not our MP.

By this latter vote Mr Huddleston has again identified himself with what Martin Kettle has recently described as ‘a culture that embraces the corruption of public appointments, contracts and honours, the curbing of the power of the courts, threats against the BBC and the restriction of voting rights’, all with the aim of ‘purging independent checks and balances’ on this dysfunctional Government.

What do these votes all have in common? They stink!

Alan Humphries

Acting Chair

Mid Worcestershire Labour Party


‘Vaccine passports are taking our freedom’ – plea to Health Secretary

AN OPEN letter to Bromsgrove MP and Health Secretary Sajid Javid.

I write this to you respectfully, and with a sad heart.

You intend to force care workers and NHS staff to take Covid injections to keep their jobs and you have not yet completely removed the threat of implementing absolutely pointless and damaging vaccine passports when –

People who are vaccinated can still be infected and still pass it on to others.

We do not know yet the potential long-term effects on the vaccinated.

During 2021 excess deaths have surpassed 2020 numbers for Covid, but even more so for non-Covid causes.

It is a personal decision to take a vaccine, particularly when there is a risk of harm or death once taken.

There should be no coercion and no threats, just straightforward genuine statistics presented to the people so they are able to make an informed decision.

The people of the UK are already free and vaccine passports that do not offer freedom will not give the people freedom. They remove freedom and take away human rights.

Are the actions that you and the Government administration taking legal? Are they lawful? Do they provide a guarantee that once implemented they will offer improvements to health, safety, freedom, and a guarantee that whoever takes a vaccine will come to no harm whatsoever?

If the answer is ‘no’ to any of those questions then you and any public servant that joins you in making vaccinations (and vaccine passports) compulsory, must of course be held responsible for any damages done. They must also live with themselves knowing full well what they have done.

Unless you really do feel you are so powerful that you have the right to remove the livelihoods and freedoms of your constituents and the people of the UK, you should end this clearly illegal and unlawful march towards medical tyranny immediately.

Phil Haynes



Time to remember all our Armed Forces family

As we pause to remember the fallen this Remembrance Day, our thoughts naturally turn to the veterans of the Second World War, rightly so. This stoic and humble generation made the ultimate sacrifice and have been an inspiration for the countless servicemen and women who have followed after them.

We must also remember those who answered their country’s call to serve more recently in campaigns in the Middle East, and Europe.

Events in Afghanistan this year reminded us all, not least those who had served there and their families, that for those who do their duty, duty does not end when they arrive home. For many, the physical and mental impact of their service remains with them for the rest of their lives.

Our mission at the Fund is to find all those who did their duty, however long ago, and ensure they know we are here for them, as long as they need us.

In celebration of their service, we are calling on members of the public to share their loved ones’ stories as part of our Month to Remember. Go to to pay tribute to your family members.


Air Vice-Marshal Chris Elliot


RAF Benevolent Fund



AFTER last year’s scaled back events and virtual commemorations we welcome back Remembrance parades and services to our towns and villages so we can come together, remember the fallen and pay tribute to all those who gave so much for our futures today.

Businesses and organisations have once again supported our special Poppy Appeal feature in this week’s paper and hopefully, with the generosity of residents, this year’s campaign will generate plenty for the RBL and the former servicemen and women who need support.


We welcome your letters……

What pressing issues do you feel need addressing in Bromsgrove, Rubery, Droitwich and South Birmingham? Send us your views to [email protected]

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