This week's Bromsgrove and Droitwich Standard letters...... - The Bromsgrove Standard

This week's Bromsgrove and Droitwich Standard letters......

Bromsgrove Editorial 16th Jul, 2021   0

Time to give NHS staff the pay rise they deserve

I NOTE your appointment as Secretary of State for Health and Social Care.

I am a former NHS manager and clinician. I was the commissioning and general manager of the Princess of Wales Community Hospital in your constituency.

In the past you have voted against removing the cap on NHS pay.

The Queen has awarded the NHS the accolade of The George Cross.

Will you please acknowledge the role of NHS staff by increasing the one per cent pay award to at least the level of current inflation?

Mike Marshall MIHM DHSM



England’s rights are being eroded by new Bill

UNDER the radar of the Euro 2020 football championship and the debate over foreign aid, the Government is silently scrapping any English democracy left in the House of Commons.

Under the bill, Michael Gove has out put before the ‘House of Commons’, the Government IS to repeal the law David Cameron introduced, to ensure ‘English votes for English laws’ EVEL.

This law was introduced to ensure English MPs only would vote and decide on laws appertaining to English constituents and constituencies.

The Boris Johnson Government has seen fit to ‘remove any vestige of English law making’ applicable to England.

There is already double representation in the home nations with additional assemblies in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales, yet in the light of this, the Government is reducing England’s independence and representation even further.

It is a disgrace that with this Gove bill, Ian Blackford leader of the SNP has as much say on what happens in Bromsgrove as our local Member of Parliament.

Even worse, our local MP has supported this reduction in democracy for the English constituencies! Who would have though our local MP of an English constituency in the centre of

England would have supported such a move?!

The question is, do we have a member of Parliament that supports democracy or not?


Grahame Bennett

Rubery Rednal


Plea to MP: ‘Please do what you can to protect our freedoms’

AN OPEN letter to Sajid Javid – please do what you can to uphold some rights for the people you represent.

The Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill appears to be making it possible for anyone who wishes to speak against wrongdoing to the public to be deemed a ‘criminal’ and dealt with harshly.

This could mean peaceful people standing up for their fellow man/woman (a thing people once expected their elected politicians to do), will be prevented from taking to the streets and demonstrating to put their message across.

This is Great Britain, and I know how much effort is going into transforming this land into something very different, but this is still Great Britain and it is a terrible act of deceit against the public for any politician to vote such a Bill in that further removes the rights of the people that they are supposed to be answering to.

Please speak against this act and stand for your people.

Mandatory vaccinations – No one should be forced to take a vaccination for any reason. No one should be coerced in any way or threatened with restrictions and discrimination.

Healthcare workers, many in nursing homes, don’t receive great salaries and yet put their hearts into looking after fellow human beings, how dare anyone demand these people should be forced to take a vaccine.

Who has the right to demand that someone should risk injecting something into their bodies if they don’t want to risk it?

Please stand for the people and stop any form of mandatory Covid-19 vaccination.

Can you put your hand on your heart and tell someone that if they take one of the jabs they will definitely not suffer any harm and will be fine and because of the jabs we can all go back to ‘normal’?

There is nobody that can assure anyone of the jab’s definite safety.

That is never possible even with vaccines that have gone through the usual many years of trialling.

Please stand up for the people you agreed to defend and represent.

Our lives are being destroyed, right in front of our eyes.

P Haynes



AS ENGLAND fans we are used to disappointment but Euro 2020, with the team and flags flying, provided the feelgood factor we needed after a torrid 16 months.

Then after the Three Lions’ devastating tournament exit, division, hatred, sickening racial abuse and violence returned (from a mindless minority).

In three weeks, this team has done more for England, its people and showcasing how we can be a modern inclusive country than any Government or other organisation has done in years.

They deserve everyone’s respect.

We welcome your letters…..

What pressing issues do you feel need addressing in Bromsgrove, Rubery, Droitwich and South Birmingham? Send us your views to [email protected]



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