The Great Bromsgrove Brexit Debate - more of your EU letters.... - The Bromsgrove Standard

The Great Bromsgrove Brexit Debate - more of your EU letters....

Bromsgrove Editorial 8th Jan, 2019 Updated: 8th Jan, 2019   0

WITH the vote on the Prime Minister’s Brexit deal expected next week, our inbox has been inundated with letters on Britain leaving the EU. Here is the latest selection that have been hitting our mailbox……

‘Get rid of Mrs May and get someone gutsy in’

A LETTER in the last Standard letters page perfectly sets out the absurdity of this Government’s withdrawal agreement and the transitional arrangement.

But the letter then calls for leave to be stopped. Why? We had a vote and the majority decided to leave. It’s not the vote that is wrong, but our inept Government.

Mrs May’s constant running to and from Brussels is embarrassing. The EU is not at fault here. They will give us nothing. They want to keep us in for their power, to deter other countries and for our money.

Get rid of Mrs May and her remainers. Get in a Leave supporter with vision. Get WTO rules. Get some guts.

Graham Solomon


Plea to MPs to back the deal which is ‘as good as we’ll get’

I AM writing as an appeal to all MPs, from an ordinary man, an ordinary voter.

Britain has had a referendum and whether one voted to remain or to leave the EU, the result was in favour of Brexit.

David Cameron went to the EU before the referendum to discuss what the deal would be in order to give the citizens of the UK an idea exactly what we would be voting for. He was told quite succinctly that the UK were still in the EU therefore no discussions could be made.

The referendum therefore was quite simply, in or out!

Our present Prime Minister is the only one who knows what the negotiations have been like with the EU and trying to please everybody is an absolutely impossible task.

We all knew that the EU would make it as difficult as possible for us as an example to any other EU country trying to do the same.

It is a thing of the past what was discussed at Lancaster House or Chequers because the EU was not there to put its side of the debate.

We now have a deal on the table. It is not ideal for Remainers, it is not ideal for the Brexiteers but we all knew that it could not please everybody.

It is either this deal or no deal and the effect of a no deal Brexit would lead to financial market instability, severely affecting many businesses.

This deal delivers on what we decided in the referendum as best as it could have been.

If this deal is accepted It will give us the time to then negotiate the position of Ireland, its borders and fisheries.

This position on Ireland cannot endure forever as it is not good for the EU countries that remain within the EU and neither is it good for the UK. Therefore a final agreement will have to be found.

But it does give us the time and the stability so that we all know where we are going on the March 29.

Therefore, I appeal to all MPs to forget your differences across party and within party, not to keep running around in circles causing more division. Thus, I implore you, please focus on a United Kingdom and not let the world see us tearing our great country apart.

This is the only deal on the table. Take it!

An ordinary man

Adrian Kriss


‘Cost of leaving the EU will leave us bankrupt’

THE COST of the UK leaving the EU will include £39billion in divorce fees, plus £4.2billion contingency costs plus £100million on the re-instatement of pre-1992 X-border customs documentation and additional ferries to France.

There will also be a 12-mile section of the M23 reserved as a truck park and the British Army all placed on standby.

Who will save us from this madness before before we are all driven bankrupt by £43billion of taxpayers’ money wasted in this manner?

Mike Ponsonby


‘If you love Europe that much, move there’

IF ‘WORCESTERSHIRE for Europe’ supporters can not accept the result of a properly constituted, democratic, Referendum (Standard, January 4), perhaps they should consider moving to Brussels and applying for European citizenship.

No doubt that very helpful EU would find them a nice place to live.

They will need loadsamoney, however, as the cost of living in Europe is almost twice as high as it is here.

The silent majority here could then get on with their lives, after we say ‘au revoir’ to the dysfunctional EU in March.

‘Bon Voyage’ – as they say in Europe.

Bromsgrove Democrat

‘We’re better off staying in as UK firms benefit’

JUST a thought – if our MP and fellow Brexiteers are so concerned about the `vast sums of money to the EU‘ (approximately £8.5billion pa nett without the funding received by UK private companies and the benefit of the tariff-free Single Market and excellent EU trade deals ) why are they not appalled at the £205billion of public money earmarked by the Government to replace Trident?




Operating under WTO rules is not ‘crashing out’ or ‘falling off a cliff’

ALMOST the only meaningful statement Adrian Kriss made (Standard letters, January 4), is the referendum was ‘quite simply in or out’. Nevertheless, he went on to encourage acceptance of the rotten deal Mrs May is attempting to force through as it is ‘the only deal on the table’, exhorting MPs to ‘take it!’.

Despite the EU’s intransigence so far, he suggests acceptance of the deal would provide time to discuss ‘Ireland, its borders and fisheries’.

I assume he means discussion about the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland, NI being part of the UK, could continue, as well as all UK fishing grounds to which several countries currently have access, rather than just Ireland.

Further time is what the EU wants and, under different circumstances, could be helpful to us but it is a trap.

If only our Government hadn’t wasted so much of time in the last two years.

We’ll never know if negotiations may have been more successful if the EU had seen the whole country supporting the referendum result.

It was apparently accepted by both Mr Cameron and Mrs May but, sadly, they are encouraged when they see some of the wealthiest and most powerful in the country seeking to overturn the democratic vote.

Graham Soloman, in his letter, said the EU will give us nothing – how right he is. Mrs May stated initially no deal would be worse than a bad deal, yet, over the last two years, she has retreated from that stance and is prepared to foist the worst deal imaginable on this country. Unbelievably, she also agreed to pay £40billion for little or nothing, merely the promise of further talks at some unspecified date in the future and with no further guarantee of success than we’ve seen so far.

Northern Ireland would, to all intents and purposes, remain a part of the EU and under the complete ECJ jurisdiction while the whole UK would be subject to most EU law, with no influence over content and drafting of new laws.

Leaving the EU and operating under World Trade Organisation rules is often described as ‘crashing out’ or ‘falling off a cliff,’ but most world trade is carried out under WTO rules. The UK already uses the system to trade with most of the world. As the EU sells far more to the UK than we buy from it, the EU would be hit far harder than the UK by trading with us under WTO.

Marie Howard



‘The EU’s after only one thing – our money!’

I WRITE in response to Adrian Kriss’ letter last week, saying we should accept Mrs May’s deal, even though a vast majority voted to leave (which meant even with no deal).

David Cameron and Mrs May tried deals before the referendum and nothing emerged, hence the referendum to end all arguments on what the people really wanted.

The question was simple – Do you want to stay in the EU or leave, effectively burying any deals behind us?

If we had had a ‘leave’ Prime Minister we would have gone to WTO, as we have at present with the rest of the World.

But we have a ‘remainer’ who says, ‘you don’t really want to leave do you?’ (same as Cameron), ‘So let me tell you what you really want?’ (which effectively rubbishes the Referendum).

If you look closely at it, Mrs May’s deal will not return our sovereignty, further, we still pay £billions for a deal. We pay nowt if we accept ‘no deal’.

The EU likes the idea for one thing – the cash for it to continue its dream of a ‘new order’.

We voted to ‘leave’ to be out of this EU trap. To agree to May’s deal will leave us unable to sign trade deals with the rest of the growing world where the UK makes a surplus in our trade on goods.

Let us remember what our EU membership has meant for us – the payment of circa £10billion-a-year (net) in membership fees and the surrender of our sovereignty by allowing the European Court of Justice (ECJ) to reign supreme.

Most of the rest of the world can and does trade on WTO terms and countries like China, Australia and America manage just fine – it is nonsense to suggest we can’t do the same.

America trades very well with EU countries, with a mutual understanding whereby they recognise one another as sovereign states and agree to diplomatic relations.

So by the sound of his letter, if Adrian had been elected when he stood as a PPC for Bromsgrove back in 2010, as the ordinary man, he too would have ignored his voters just like Mr Javid is doing now.

Stan Francis



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