Group of teachers from North Bromsgrove High rally round to speak up for school - The Bromsgrove Standard

Group of teachers from North Bromsgrove High rally round to speak up for school

A GROUP of staff from North Bromsgrove High School have issued a statement relating to the comments on social media and news coming from the school in the last few days.

The Standard was contacted by an employee who has worked at the school for several years.

She said: “In the interest of balance and fairness, we feel it only right to add our views so that some of the negativity and inaccuracies are rectified.

“It is correct that some staff are moving on but by far the greater majority of staff are remaining in post and are continuing to work to support and encourage our students to enjoy their time in school and do well.

“Our students are feeling unsettled as the exams approach and we all need to recognise the anxiety and upset that is being caused.

“It is disappointing to see that the positive impact, which our dedicated and hardworking staff have on our pupils, is not recognised or commented on with such enthusiasm.

“The extra hours given freely to run Duke of Edinburgh Award, revision sessions, educational visits and concerts to name a few of the things our staff do is testament to our thriving school community.

“We would like to ask that those who have issues with any aspect of the school to take those matters forward through the correct channels to enable them to be dealt with in an appropriate manner.

“This would be far more constructive than the increasing frenzy of comments posted.

“It would be preferable to us if parents staff and the wider community would work together to support our students for the benefit of all.”

She added anyone with any concerns should email the school office at [email protected]

The school hit the headlines this week after it was announced that seven teachers – the whole mathematics department – had handed in their notices and would be leaving at the end of term.

It followed on from a similar situation in December when nine other teachers moved on.

The school said in a statement that North Bromsgrove’s staff remained fully committed to the education and care of its pupils and students in years nine, ten and 12 had received an additional ‘reassurance’ assembly.

“Like many schools, there will be some staffing changes at the end of the year. Once our curriculum and staffing has been finalised early next half-term, we will provide an update to parents and pupils.”

Yesterday we were also contacted by a student criticising our reports on the situation and blaming the papers for the problems.

She wrote: “I’m struggling to see how you all writing bad press is helping my education at north.

“With your articles you’re preventing us from having teachers that could potentially be the answer to this issue because of an article full of ‘truths’. To be honest I feel as though the environment is toxic but this is due to the bad press and accusations you are putting to North before they even have a chance.

“If I end up losing valuable time and education, I will not blame the school but I shall blame the tabloids who think they have the next big story because something happened at school.

“Lots of things are also happening elsewhere if you look. Instead you wish to waste your time reporting the bad and stopping us from getting potential applications with could provide us with so many opportunities.”

Our Editor’s Comment on the letters page was also dedicated to the situation at North.

The Standard says…….

THE SITUATION at North Bromsgrove High School is deeply concerning for parents, students and pupils heading there in September.

To have seven or eight teachers at least leaving at the end of the year after the group which left at Christmas cannot just be put down to ‘natural progression’ or the ‘usual departures all schools go through’ as the headteacher and county council claim.

The volume of complaints we received throughout the week via email and social media also shows the severity of the goings-on.

The governing body must step in, listen to the concerns and make the necessary changes so the school can move forward.


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