Frankley man jailed for 11 years for historical child sex offences - The Bromsgrove Standard

Frankley man jailed for 11 years for historical child sex offences

Bromsgrove Editorial 25th Apr, 2023   0

A FRANKLEY man has been jailed for historical child sexual abuse offences after two separate allegations years apart led to police collecting enough evidence to jail him.

A complaint was made of sexual assault against Martin Munnerley in 2014, alleging he had inappropriately touched a young girl three years before.

At the time there was not enough evidence to bring charges and the case was filed.

But then, in 2019, a further allegation was made against Munnerley, accusing him of raping a 14-year-old in the late 1980s. The investigating officer revisited the previous allegation and after lengthy enquiries located the victim from 2011 who supported police, helping them to secure charges against Munnerley for offences against both victims.

Following a six-day trial at Warwick Crown Court, the jury took just over five hours to find Munnerley guilty of rape and indecent assault in the late 80s and sexual assault in 2008.

The 65-year-old from Grizedale Close, was sentenced to seven years and four years respectively for the first two offences to run concurrently and a further four years for the third offence to run consecutively, totalling an 11-year jail sentence.

Det Con Becci Jones said: “I am delighted we were able to achieve justice for these women.

“They did not know each other and neither were aware of the other’s complaint.

“We will always investigate allegations of historical abuse no matter how long ago it happened.

“We also work with partner agencies who can offer support throughout the judicial process.”

Anyone needing help or advice on child sexual abuse can click here.



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