Care home residents take a leaf out of autumn's book for art project - The Bromsgrove Standard

Care home residents take a leaf out of autumn's book for art project

Bromsgrove Editorial 12th Nov, 2023 Updated: 12th Nov, 2023   0

IMAGINATIVE residents at a Birmingham care home have created autumnal artwork using foraged items for their latest creative project.

The group from Cofton Park Manor Care Home on Lickey Road collected leaves and acorns from their garden to create their 3-D piece of art.

They were invited to create a triptych of canvases inspired by John Keats’ magnificent ode to the season to display in the home.

The results are a celebration of the gorgeous colours of autumn.

Resident Jean Harris, aged 87, said: “Autumn is such a pretty time of the year, and the colours are inspirational.

“We were very keen to use some of the wonderful leaves and other foliage we collected from the garden.”

Fellow resident Kathleen Postings, aged 90, said the crafting session got everyone talking and reminiscing about all those autumnal activities like pumpkin carving and even raking the leaves.

Jean said: “The rich colours of browns and oranges look so strong all mixed together – we are glad people are enjoying seeing the work.”

According to Cofton Park Manor community relations lead Wendy Sibley, the project was a great success, and the art is now hanging in the bistro area at the home.

Wendy said: “Art can be such a wonderful communal activity and can encourage conversation as well as being such a relaxing thing to do.

“We loved using the outdoors as inspiration, and the Keats poem is so evocative with lines like ‘season of mist and mellow fruitfulness’, and it was a pleasure to read it and enjoy the poem with residents.”

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