County NHS organisations helping women at work to cope with menopause - The Bromsgrove Standard

County NHS organisations helping women at work to cope with menopause

Bromsgrove Editorial 3rd Apr, 2023   0

NHS organisations across Worcestershire and Herefordshire came together last week for an event to support their workforce through the menopause.

The menopause conference was hosted by the Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust, brining together employees from across the two counties to share their experiences and hear from clinicians about the effects of menopause and the types of support available.

Menopause is a natural part of ageing caused by changing hormone levels.

Those going through menopause are likely to experience a range of physical and mental health symptoms, including changes to their mood, issues with their memory and concentration.

Symptoms include hot flushes, difficulty sleeping, headaches, muscle aches and joint paint.

It is estimated 13million people are currently menopausal or perimenopausal in the UK.

In the NHS, it’s believed around a fifth of its workforce are female and of perimenopause or menopause age.

This event sought to break down the barriers and stigma surrounding menopause, ensuring staff felt supported to speak about menopause both at work, and in their personal lives.

Attendees heard from an expert panel of speakers, comprising of GPs and menopause specialists who spoke about perimenopause, menopause, and treatment options.

Consultant psychiatrists discussed the impact of menopause on a person’s wellbeing and emotional health.

And there was an opportunity for managers and supervisors to learn how best to support colleagues going through this stage of their life.

Kate Leese, Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust’s health and wellbeing lead, said she hoped the conference would help everyone feel comfortable with having open and honest conversations about the menopause.

The changing age of the UK’s workforce means eight out of 10 menopausal women are in work.

Ms Leese added: “It’s essential everyone has the knowledge and understanding to be able to support themselves, family, friends, and colleagues at this stage in their lives.”

Steve Sidwell, Information and Performance Manager at Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust and conference attendee, added the event was fantastic and stressed, moving forward, the importance of staff embracing and being part of menopause discussions.

Health and social care staff have been urged to keep conversation flowing in the workplace and to reach out to other colleagues, managers, occupational health, HR or the Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing Hub – – for additional menopause support or advice if they need it.

Anyone experiencing menopausal symptoms should speak to their GP to discuss them and treatment options.

Visit for more on menopause.


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